Sherando Health Occupations Students Of America T-Shirt Photo
Ink of
the Week

state convention Customer Designs

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Custom T-Shirts for state convention

Sherando Health Occupations Students ... by Susan Ritter

Sherando Health Occupations Students Of America T-Shirt Photo

"Sherando HOSA students show off their new T-shirts. CustomInk overcame 13 snow days to deliver these shirts in time for our state convention! Thanks for all of your help!!!"  

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Team Arabesque - DOI by Team Arabesque

Team Arabesque   Doi T-Shirt Photo

"A group of our members ordered tshirts to attend our annual state convention. Our 10 members were amongst the best dressed there :) We got tons of compliments! Thanks CustomInk!"  

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Classical Homeschool Day! by Allison Pack

Classical Homeschool Day! T-Shirt Photo

"Our Junior National Classical League will be participating in a state convention in April. We also have a group that meets once a week for classes. "  

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