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Nales strong

Organized by Abby Nales
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Nales strong Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Nales strong Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
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Gildan Softstyle Jersey T-shirt

Help support of Angel

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All funds raised will go to Abby Nales , the organizer for Medical bills .
$3,120 raised
57 items sold of
50 goal
5 Days To Go
Gildan Softstyle Jersey T-shirt, Unisex - Royal
Gildan Softstyle Jersey T-shirt
Unisex - Royal

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Organized by Abby Nales

About this campaign 9/2/2024 Angel suffered small vessel strokes and has been hospitalized.

We want to show Angel that he is not alone in this fight.

Many of you have heard from someone that Angel has been sick in the hospital.

I feel like it’s my time to share.

After an amazing weekend with our New York peeps we headed home on the morning of 9/2.

Angel told me he had a headache and I told him to take some Tylenol. In true man fashion he told me no and I headed in to get some bagels for the ride home.

When I came back out he told me that he took Tylenol I said “good. Eat and drink something then take a nap.”

I continued to drive towards home and about 20/25 minutes later he told me his head still hurt. I said okay eat and drink that will help. (Man children!!)

He took a little sip and ate some of his bagel before falling asleep.

We had a fun filled weekend so both Kylie and Angel slept as I drove along jamming to my Y2 country. (Nothing unusual about this)

From time to time he would move to get comfy or smile at me.

As we approached leominster to pull over at BJ’s for some gas and food for the week I looked over at him.

He had raised his left arm and started to shake it. I called his name and he was very confused/ slurred speech.

I kept snapping and trying to get him to wake up asking him questions. When his speech was not improving I punch ED in to my GPS and told kylie to call my mom to meet us.

With in 5 minutes I came tire squealing into Leominster’s ED through the ambulance bay because I couldn’t follow the signs.

At this time he was still talking funny and laughing at me that he didn’t need to go to the hospital. I dragged him in holding his wrist like a toddler and went to check in.

They rushed us outback and when I say it was like a scene from your favorite medical show I mean in.

Within minutes 5 people were on him poking and moving. Then a doc walks in listens to what’s happening and yells “Head CT Stat!” That’s right my husband will not be Derek Sheppard.

From the time he woke up to CT it has been 20 minutes.

I went out to find Kylie and reinsure her. Within a few minutes the train of support was there to take kylie home and support me.

A few hours passed and I have anwsered a trillion questions (No my husband does not have a substance abuse problem ) I suggested a move to Boston.

This move was approved and by 9:30 we were off!

We landed in another ED were they continued to see what was happening. (Nope he still doesn’t have a substance problem)

By 315 am ICU had a bed and they moved him. For me I was pushed out to the ED waiting room. (Now that’s what nightmares are made of)

Tuesday morning just after 10 I got to see him again with no more answers. I just watched my big teddy bear of a husband lay in a bed and not move.

Fast forward to today we know

He suffered some strokes. One good size and a tiny one. We know that this was caused by some infection(jury is still out on what one) the infection weakened his heart and the strokes happened.

We have had some very dark moments. Some very scary moments. We have also had some moments of hope.

We don’t know what’s next and we know it’s a long road with many bumps along it. All we can do is continue to keep him in our thoughts and well wishes.

I do my best to update who I can but to be realistic my head is so full of medical information I didn’t know I could learn.

I am beyond lucky to have so many medical support in my life and the team here has been a valuable resource.

I will do my best to update you but as they say no update is a good update.

I have such a large table of support and I will never be able to repay them for all they do.

rest assured if these is something I need I’ll raise the bat signal.

Again for now keep Angel in your best wishes and understand if I don’t answer you I’m over here surviving too


James Tranfaglia 1 item
Sarah Clabby
Shannon Clark 1 item
Tool $100

Team Angel! Love you and are here for you!

Smith Family $50

#hockeyfamily ❤️

Paul & Meg 2 items
Anonymous $25
The Horne Family 5 items + $10

We know you got this! You have a village behind you, even if it is a dysfunctional village

Adam Moses $15

To help keep this lovely family together moving forward for many years to come

Judith ALantgier 3 items + $10

We got this …. Go Angeluis


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